Canopy Car Parking Shade Supplier in UAE

ISO Certified Canopy Car Parking Shade Manufacturer

YKM International LLC is your trusted canopy car parking shade supplier in UAE and across Middle East, specialized in providing high quality car parking shade fabric with expert installation. With years of industrial experience and commitment to excellence, we have established ourselves as leader in providing innovative shade netting solution.

YKM canopy shade net not only protect vehicles from harsh weather conditions but also contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of the parking area. When it comes to finding a reliable shade net supplier in Dubai, Abu Dhabi or anywhere across Middle East, YKM International LLC stands out as a leader in manufacturing and supplying quality solution.

What we offer

YKM Team Discussion with Client

Consultation and Design

YKM Group is an expert canopy car parking shade supplier with a team of dedicated experts to helping you find the perfect canopy car parking shade solution.

During the consultation phase, we discuss your specific needs, shade percentage preferences, and budget to develop a design that meets your expectations.

We use advanced design software to create detailed plans and visualizations in Auto Cad allowing you to see exactly how your canopy shade will look before we begin installation.

Shade Net Roll

Canopy Car Parking Shade Manufacturing

YKM International LLC utilizes state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities to produce high-quality canopy car parking shades.

Our production process adheres to strict quality control standards, ensuring that every product is built to last. We use only the best materials, including UV-resistant hdpe fabrics and rust-proof frames, to guarantee that your canopy shade will withstand the test of time and the elements.

YKM Shade Net Installation in UAE

Canopy Car Park Shade Installation

As a responsible canopy car parking shade supplier and manufacturer, our team ensures that your canopy car parking shade is installed safely and securely.

We handle all aspects of the installation process, from site preparation to final assembly, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily operations.

Our goal is to provide a seamless installation experience that leaves you with a perfectly installed canopy shade.

Shade Net Suppliers in UAE


To keep your canopy car parking shade in optimal condition, we offer comprehensive maintenance and repair services.

Regular maintenance ensures that your shade remains in top condition, while our repair services address any issues that may arise, extending the lifespan of your investment.

Get canopy car park shade from the trusted Canopy Car Parking Shade Supplier in UAE

Shade Net Installed

YKM Recent Shade Net Installation Projects

Features of YKM Canopy Car Parking Shade

As a reputed canopy car parking shade supplier in UAE, YKM supply shade nets that are designed to offer optimal protections from the harsh sun, ensuring your vehicle remains cool and protected.

These shades not only improve the aesthetic appeal of your parking area but also extend the lifespan of your vehicle’s exterior. 


Our shades are made from premium hdpe shade cloth that withstand extreme weather conditions, ensuring long-lasting performance.


Suitable for various settings, including homes, offices, shopping centers, and industrial complexes.

UV Protection

Provides excellent protection against harmful UV rays, preventing damage to your vehicle’s paint and interior.

Aesthetic Appeal

Available in a range of designs and colors to complement any architectural style.

What we offer

YKM is one of the top canopy car parking shade supplier and manufacturer in UAE with capacity to supply shade solutions from 50% to 95% shading with UV shading warranty.

Car Park Shade Cloth Manufacturer

Superior Quality and Craftsmanship

At YKM International LLC, Dubai, we pride ourselves on the superior quality of our products. Each canopy car parking shade is crafted using the finest materials and advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure durability, longevity, and excellent performance.

We ensure that every project we undertake is completed to the highest standards.

YKM Team Discussion with Client

Expertise and Experience

YKM International LLC brings years of experience to the table, making us experts in the field of shade manufacturing and installation. 

YKM Group continuously strive hard to stay as a trusted canopy car parking shade supplier and manufacturer by implementing and investing in latest technologies and machineries.

YKM Group Research and Development Team

Customization Options

We understand that every client has unique needs and preferences. That’s why we offer a variety of customization options, including different UV shading factors, sizes, colours etc., to ensure that our canopy shades perfectly match your vision and practical needs.


Excellent Customer Service

At YKM International LLC, we believe in building lasting relationships with our clients. Our customer service team is always on hand to provide support, answer questions, and ensure that your experience with us is smooth and satisfactory. Your satisfaction is our priority.

With our extensive experience, top-quality products, and customer-focused approach, we ensure you receive the best shading solutions. Contact us today on [email protected] to learn how we can help you with your canopy car parking shade and other shade net needs.